
cavalli e carrozze che passione!!!






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Carnevale Ivrea 2008

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201^ edizione dello STORICO CARNEVALE D'IVREA

 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 FEBRUARY 2008


guardatevi questo demo del video realizzato dalla "tanta roba production" by Moreno



A real special event take place in Ivrea near Turin every year for the last week of carnival. the main show is actually a big "fair" battle of oranges through the narrow old street of the little town near the river Dora. There are horses drwning big farm-cart that drive in the town and stop in each spquare for the battle. the team of the local people throw oranges to the person on the back of the cart and viceversa. very important is that no horses or driver are touched or hit and the is the maximum respect for visitor as well safe behind the net aroud the square. Is an amazing game and a lot of fun and youare free to take part from the square. Back to "cavalli e carrozze" you can whatch here the best italian harness on the horses. They are prepared like to go for the best showof their life: clean,sparky and colourfull platted main and tail, . There is a super prize for the best tournout every year and everyone of the 40 tournout want to win. it a lot of fun and a place to discover also for culinary speciality, good wine, a lot of fun and wonderfull sightseeing. Enjoy a good weekend and you can also visit the saddle harness mastrer FRATELLI MOIRANO STRAMBINO and ask any driver will take you with him to the back stage in the stables where all get ready. for any futher information have a look to

http://www.carnevalediivrea.it    ENGLISH VERSION








presto tante altre nuove notizie!!!

for any further information about the show please email to emiliogamba@hotmail.com

guarda il video anche qui:


sito ufficiale: http://www.carnevalediivrea.it/